organization has problems with employing cybersecurity specialists
organization has difficulty retaining qualified employees
organizations found that the lack of qualified cybersecurity candidates creates additional risks for the company
In Poland, for the day Today, there are about 17,000 requests for positions in the Cybersecurity industry and everything indicates that this number will increase year by year.
Every year we face the problem of finding specialists in Cybersecurity, which is why we decided to conduct training ourselves for people who can start working in various positions in the field of cybersecurity, especially since we have the necessary tools and the best specialists in Poland.

For students of IT, state institutions, uniformed services, financial sector.
Stationary, circulating
in small groups. Two lecturers per group - main and supporting.
Adapted to current market needs. Theoretical part supported by exercises under the supervision of the trainers.
Proprietary educational platform and modern equipment necessary for learning.
Experienced practitioners and members of the best CTF teams in Poland.
We are a leading expert in Central Europe in the field of cybersecurity. In the era of rapid information flow, understanding and detecting threats is crucial.
Our specialists use their knowledge to fight dangers every day. Thanks to our experience and strategic vision, we help companies identify, assess, and minimize risks and respond quickly to threats.
STM Cyber protects your data by verifying every detected vulnerability for exploitability and security impact.
Our crew is passionate - experienced pentesters, IT security researchers, and programmers. We love hacking and sharing knowledge. We believe that practical training covering defense and offense allows you to keep up with the changing world. We participate in the international Capture The Flag (CTF) competition, improving techniques for finding and exploiting errors.
STM Academy lecturers are members of leading Polish CTF groups. Together we are successful internationally, proving that we belong to the world's elite of experts in the field of IT security.